Friday, November 23, 2007

Check out our future BOSS yo!

Haha, i am back again! (I must have been pretty bored by all the exams revision, either that or the papers have fried my brains). In any case, i am here to share 2 news with you guys!

First one is, of course, our class schedules are out for next sem! (gosh, i haven even finished my exam.... @#$%) Check them out at your friendly NTU webmail. For those taking Com204, i heard we have only a 3 day week! Hee-HAR!

The second one concerns the title for this entry! As you guys know, we are in the media business and soon or later, our boss (or boss's boss in some dirct/ indirect/ obscure manner) we will all be linked back to (gasp) MDA! Check this out!

Haha, i kinda loved it. Media people are suppose to be like that. Different and fun. Unfortunately, most people are slamming it. Haha. What's ya view? It kinda made my morning though (and nearly made me spilled coffee on my almost 5 month old fujitsu lappie)! and some of them looked real cool! I quote from,

"The most disturbing scene of the entire rap would be that of Man Shu Sam, director of broadcast and film, acting as the Godfather of MDA and pointing a gun to a film maker as if he was trying to say “if you don’t do a film according to my wishes, I will shoot you!”.
In the rap (around two minutes of it), Man raps he knows good directors at the back of his hands with two good directors nodding in agreement to what Man is say. Only Yes-man directors need apply?
The silhouette of Man shaking his bum bum to the tune of the Twist deserves an RA rating for the rap."

That was the most interesting comment i have come across. :)

On a side note, England didn't make it. That was the darkest day in my life as a fan...*sighx*

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