Sunday, December 2, 2007

How to marry a rich guy!

A young and pretty lady posted this on a popular forum:

Title: What should I do to marry a rich guy?

I'm going to be honest of what I'm going to say here. I'm 25 this year. I'm very pretty, have style and good taste. I wish to marry a guy with $500k annual salary or above. You might say that I'm greedy, but an annual salary of $1M is considered only as middle class in New York . My requirement is not high. Is there anyone in this forum who has an income of $500k annual salary? Are you all married?

I wanted to ask: what should I do to marry rich persons like you? Among those I've dated, the richest is $250k annual income, and it seems that this is my upper limit. If someone is going to move into high cost residential area on the west of New York City Garden ( ? ) , $250k annual income is not enough.

I'm here humbly to ask a few questions:

  1. Where do most rich bachelors hang out? (Please list down the n ame s and addresses of bars, restaurant, gym)
  2. Which age group should I target?
  3. Why most wives of the riches is only average-looking? I've met a few girls who doesn't have looks and are not interesting, but they are able to marry rich guys
  4. How do you decide who can be your wife, and who can only be your girlfriend? (my target now is to get married)

Ms. Pretty

Here's a reply from a Wall Street Financial guy:

Dear Ms. Pretty,

I have read your post with great interest. Guess there are lots of girls out there who have similar questions like yours. Please allow me to analyze your situation as a professional investor.

My annual income is more than $500k, which meets your requirement, so I hope everyone believes that I'm not wasting time here.

From the standpoint of a business person, it is a bad decision to marry you. The answer is very simple, so let me explain. Put the details aside, what you're trying to do is an exchange of 'beauty' and 'money': Person A provides beauty, and Person B pays for it, fair and square. However, there's a deadly problem here, your beauty will fade, but my money will not be gone without any good reason. The fact is, my income might increase from year to year, but you can't be prettier year after year. Hence from the viewpoint of economics, I am an appreciation asset, and you are a depreciation asset. It's not just normal depreciation, but exponential depreciation. If that is your only asset, your value will be much worried 10 years later.

By the terms we use in Wall Street, every trading has a position, dating with you is also a 'trading position'. If the trade value dropped we will sell it and it is not a good idea to keep it for long term – same goes with the marriage that you wanted. It might be cruel to say this, but in order to make a wiser decision any assets with great depreciation value will be sold or 'leased'. Anyone with over $500k annual income is not a fool; we would only date you, but will not marry you.

I would advice that you forget looking for any clues to marry a rich guy. And by the way, you could make yourself to become a rich person with $500k annual income. This has better chance than finding a rich fool.

Hope this reply helps.

J.P. Morgan

Friday, November 23, 2007

Check out our future BOSS yo!

Haha, i am back again! (I must have been pretty bored by all the exams revision, either that or the papers have fried my brains). In any case, i am here to share 2 news with you guys!

First one is, of course, our class schedules are out for next sem! (gosh, i haven even finished my exam.... @#$%) Check them out at your friendly NTU webmail. For those taking Com204, i heard we have only a 3 day week! Hee-HAR!

The second one concerns the title for this entry! As you guys know, we are in the media business and soon or later, our boss (or boss's boss in some dirct/ indirect/ obscure manner) we will all be linked back to (gasp) MDA! Check this out!

Haha, i kinda loved it. Media people are suppose to be like that. Different and fun. Unfortunately, most people are slamming it. Haha. What's ya view? It kinda made my morning though (and nearly made me spilled coffee on my almost 5 month old fujitsu lappie)! and some of them looked real cool! I quote from,

"The most disturbing scene of the entire rap would be that of Man Shu Sam, director of broadcast and film, acting as the Godfather of MDA and pointing a gun to a film maker as if he was trying to say “if you don’t do a film according to my wishes, I will shoot you!”.
In the rap (around two minutes of it), Man raps he knows good directors at the back of his hands with two good directors nodding in agreement to what Man is say. Only Yes-man directors need apply?
The silhouette of Man shaking his bum bum to the tune of the Twist deserves an RA rating for the rap."

That was the most interesting comment i have come across. :)

On a side note, England didn't make it. That was the darkest day in my life as a fan...*sighx*

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Manicurists Wanted

Hey people,

The FOC committee is coming up with this Manicure Fund Raising thingy. We will be training our very own manicurists with the help of one senior who happens to be a professional manicurist [CS does have all kinds of people eh? :)]. Upon ya completion of the training, you will be part of our manicurist team and go on to take on "assignments" painting other people's nails, for a fee! Part of this fee will go to the FOC fund for juniors next year and i guess you will get to keep part of it. Training is free! yes... FREE!
Some of the plans we have lined up include setting up a stall in school, going on-location for people who have the moolas to block book and fun-o-rama (is it how u spell it? that AC fun fair thingy) Yep yep! Training will begin after the exam period so, it should be about early december!

Zhenwei and Jacqueline have EI (expressed interest).

Interested? Drop me an sms can? :) Thank you and good luck for the rest of the papers ya! Gambatek!

Oh, another thing, we are planning a movie marathon during december! (for the meekia, not linked to the FOC) Any body interested? Great movies and great food! Post your suggestions for the playlist k! Wei Xun will be our official "supplier" here. lol. Better still if you can offer a location with cushions, big screen and a dolby digital 5.1! Post here too alright! Can't wait for the hols to start! wee~

P.S. Have you EI-ed ?

Friday, November 2, 2007



join PROG CO! subcom = same amt of regard + twice the involvement of OGL + limitless amt of FUN + lifetime worth of friendship

  • pls rid the negative connotation of a SUB-com; you and me and us, there's no difference. we welcome you with warmth!
  • involvement: fundraising, contributing ideas, QC activities etc, doubling up as gamestation masters (can guailan! hah!) etc.
  • RUIQI + ADELINE + JEANETTE + QIANQI + ME = SINGAPORE WILL DISINTEGRATE. fun factor 10/10! confirm/guarantee laugh until pengs!
  • if you're BORING and cannot 'self-high', we DON'T WANT YOU! =P
  • email me (christin3_AThotmailDOTcom) if you're interested! if you're so FILLED with ideas that you're on the verge of explosion, email your ideas as well!

hope meekias' doing fine! hang on tight! exams will be over in the blink of an eye. we need an outing soon. check out when was our last, man!? *ashamed* hurhur x)

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Hey people!

I heard that most of you aren't going D&D anymore... howcome?
Do try to come down okay? Let's make this a meekia outing.... you don't even need to dress up if you don't feel like it... come down and support me in the pageant too! Haha
Fun is something that everyone contributes to, so the more of meekia we see at D&D, the more fun everyone will have. Just think of the amount of fun we all had and contributed to at FOC. I hope that you'll consider going for D&D again. Till then.... seeya!
whee hee hee.
YELLOW was a very fun idea people!
so have a great time at the D&D!
and we should all be much happier people the first week of school!

debby :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Beauty World, cha cha cha!

aloha, sweets!

how have you guys been? please don't abandon meekia's blog! hahahahaha.

anyway! who's up for Beauty World the musical?

the prob is: the musical's in january. so either you pay less by booking a weekday evening (8pm), or pay more for the weekend tickets. i can use my mom's robinson's card for 20%, but i think we needa get the pricier tix to qualify for that discount.

anyone anyone? :)

Monday, September 10, 2007


Hello meekias!

CI Club's Paparazzi presents...

A Night of Madness with Christopher Durang!

It's the school's annual production, this year we're doing four pieces by Christopher Durang...
Do come and show your support, I guarantee that it'll be downright entertaining. =)

Showtimes & Prices

14 Sep 07 (Fri), 8pm - $18
15 Sep 07 (Sat), 3pm - $15
15 Sep 07 (Sat), 8pm - $18


The room upstairs
Action Theatre
42 Waterloo Street

Call me if you want tickets!


Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Hey MeeKias!

Time to add something to this blog!

Do you have interest in any sport?
Do you have the passion to manage a team of sportspersons?


In the process, look to earn some CCA points?

My friend Thiam Peng, the Sports Manager of CI club is recruiting subcomm members and players. So if you do have an idea of how you can contribute to school just give him a buzz @ 97696496.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

hall 8 bash

hi meekias! i'd like to invite you all to my hall's bash!


7th Sept 07


entry before 2200hrs

$18 with 2 free drinks

house music and mainstream R&B all night long

it's open to everyone! so even if you dont know people from hall8 [besides me], ask your friends along to chiong! it's a good way of getting into zouk for $18 instead of $25 on a friday night! plus you get free drinks!

p.s. get your tickets from me. (:

Big Heist Party

Hi Mee Kias!!!!
Long time no see... Hope everything is going well in school man... Hardly see you guys around I wonder sometimes if we're in the same school or not haha...

Anyway Dinner and Dance is here again! As you guys can see, the details are
Venue: Clinic at the Cannery
Time: 7pm
Date: 26/09/07
It's on a Wednesday during the school mid term break and just in case anyone is confused over the theme, it's 1920s Shanghai mafia. It's not strictly a dress code but wouldn't it be fun if all the meekias turned up as a big mafioso family? Haha...
Tickets are at 35 bucks! Catch me in school or post here to let me know you want them! By the way I'm not getting a commission or anything out of this ok, just helping out haha...
And... To give more incentive to all you meekias out there, Christine has agreed to join the pageant!!! So please lah, come and support our very own meekia ok?
Zi Liang
(Hope you all still remember your OGL here haha!)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

hey guys!!!
thanks for all your birthday wishes!
and thank you juicy for organsisng some voyeuristic thingy for me.
and thank you roachie, quan quan, giam and trex for trekking to my room into the middle of the night.
i'm so touched that i'll even put up with all the embarrassment and take no revenge.
ps: the cake was damn good. =).

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Happy Birthday to JAC!

We kinda like ambushed Jac in her most unglam state, and gave her a BIG surprise!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Next Wave 2007

ok, i have to be a little shameless here to promote this upcoming concert~

The NUS Dance Ensemble is having its annual concert, The Next Wave, on the 21st and 22nd Sept at NUS University Cultural Centre (where the national day rally is held). This is the 15th year of the concert, and it promises to be the culmination of their successes thus far.

This year, the concert will feature 7 diverse items as part of its eclectic repertoire which features everything from classical Indian Dance to modern day Hip Hop. The whole concert is approximately 2 hours, with 2 intermissions of 10 and 15 minutes.

If you have never been to a dance concert before, this is a good time to start exploring into this area of the arts, as the variety of the concert ensures that you get a good mix of styles.

Tickets are priced at $12, $17 and $19, and can be purchased from
1) Sistic website
2) Sistic counters
3) any Dance Ensemble member (a.k.a me)
Furthermore, from now till August 25th, there's an early bird discount of 20%! (which means if you guys get the $12 tix, after the discount, it'll be about $10 only)

As some of you may know, I'm an associate member of the Dance Ensemble (DE), which is why i'm plugging this concert to you. And i must say that DE's concerts are usually of high standards, and are well received by the general public. In fact, this year's concert in March, Evocation, saw three sell-out nights! So, I urge you guys, to open up your minds to dance, and catch The Next Wave.

some "sample clips" of the DE


Saturday, August 18, 2007

ba ba yao

helloo! i've watched 881 and i think it's great! beats watching the simpsons. haha. i thought watching anything after transformers would suck, but this doesnt! (:

and the qi yu wu and chicken part made me tear. =X

i might go for homecoming. haha. but it depends on who else is going. sounds like clarence and kris only..haha....

Friday, August 17, 2007

881, anyone?


how's everyone's uni life has been so far? feel the stress already? ahahs. :)

anyway, for those who have not watched 881- wanna watch?

so far, those who've watched: kerrie, joan kwang, lyndsey

who's gg on fri (24/8) for the movie: weixun, jinyong, yingying, christine, clarence (if it's after 4pm)

pls add on to the list yeah. time and venue not confirmed.

who's gg for homecoming anyway?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Has everyone gotten their books at the second-hand textbook sale at school?

So how's everyone coping? Well, I hope.

BTW, who's going for homecoming at CS rooftop on monday?

Saturday, August 11, 2007


sorry for taking so long to upload the meekia ktv photos!!
better late than never?

oh and i don't know why but blogger is being annoying and won't let me upload the rest.
i'll try again tmr???






boo peeps!

somehow i'm really tired out from school already.
maybe its just due to the damn boring and unnecessary lectures.

so i got:

western film history
history 101
public relations writing
basic media writing

881 isn't a very good movie
secret is though! though there are evident loopholes. and its irritating that the whole cinema swoons whenever jay chou speaks.

have a great weekend!!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

RE: Elated about Electives?

haha. i got:

HE191: Principles of Economics
HG101: Linguistics [something something. God i dont even know what i signed up for but it sounded cool]
FIL250: Western Film History


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Textbook Sales

Hi people,

From what i heard from the CI club, there'll be a used textbook sale next wednesday. That's tentative la, so just keep your eyes and ears open for more information in days to come. =)

The COM201 text is a new edition this year, but i don't think it's much of a revision. The author typically revises her book every year.

Speech and argumentation... is she still using Beebes & Beebes? That's the text we have.

If you ask me, the speech textbook actually quite fei la. The COM201 one, however, will be very useful. Because you'd probably have to swallow the whole book for the exams.

Hope this helps. ;)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Elated about Electives?

Hey all! Did everyone get their preferred electives? STARS is really a super cruel system! Anyhow, everyone suffers together, so it's not too bad. Hehe...

So what electives did everyone register for?
I got..
CPE103(10045): Foundation Mathematics
HE191(50323): Principles of Economics
HMG1(20024): German

So what did u get?

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Birthday Invite

Hey peps...

As some of you've already birthday's this Sat, 11 Aug.

I'll be having a big gathering for my friends and I'd like to invite EVERYONE of you meekias to my place on Sat at 1900.

So pls add your name down if you can make it yar?

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Hey Yandaos and Chiobus of Meekia !

For those in Hall 3, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16:
Wanna meet on Monday morning to take a stroll down to school? If so, we meet on Monday, 06/08/07 at 8am on the NIE overhead bridge okay?

Please add your name down to the list here:
Jac =)).

To all who are staying over in hall on Sunday evening? Want to meet for dinner/supper on Sunday evening? Do add your name + preference for dinner or supper below if you are... :D

Clarence (both)

If anyone has better suggestions, please edit this post, I'm really lacking the best of ideas at the moment... haha....

(edit by jac)
we have to collect our matric card at some asian dunno what funny thingy place.
wanna meet after class to get lost together?
if you want to get lost with a big bunch of noodles as compared to getting lost all by your lonely self, please feel free to add your name to the list. =)).


shannon's note: darlings, the Asian Communication Resource Center (ACRC) is the library within SCI. that's where you'll collect your matric card... and there's no way you can get lost finding acrc. haha. bet you didn't know that. =p we didn't too.

cheers! =)).

Thursday, August 2, 2007

On the Orientation Talk

Hello People,
Anybody going to the orientation talk tomorrow? (today if you are reading it on FRIDAY) Lets meet at 1350HRS at station control for those taking trains k? And for those who are on wheels (i mean cars, not wheelchairs), meet you straight at the AUDI entrance(Where the hell is is anyway?) k? Hope to see some people there.

(Shannon's note: the easiest way to get to Nanyang Audi, is to walk from Canteen A. Alight at the bus stop at the foot of the only overhead bridge in NTU. Walk up to Canteen A, walk through the entire North Spine, and you'll see Nanyang Audi. Hope this helps. =)

Something tell me that it will be damn lame and boring but then again, it is good opportunities for you to:
  1. Catch up with ya OG mates/ Friends
  2. Find your way around NTU. Recce before monday's lesson
  3. Look for people in the same course to do mutual switch of subjects and Tutorial Groups with you
Besides, we can always pon if it gets too boring and go watch some nice horror show.
  • Clarence
  • Wei Xun
  • Jocelyn
  • Lindsey
  • Jac
  • Jy
  • you?

Wednesday, August 1, 2007



okay people, who's gg for fri's opening ceremony?

if i'm not wrong:
jin yong

whenever a list is out, pls update on ur status! yes, YOU!

joan kwang cant attend cos she has other appt alr. i've got tuition, so if u guys still have activities after 4pm (i mean, maybe you guys may pon the ceremony. hurhur) please tell me about your whereabouts.

maybe clarence u come up with a meeting place and time for everyone before the opening ceremony?

on the other hand, who's got COM204 who's got COM 205?

if im not wrong:

(T5) Rachel, Edmund
(T6) Joycelyn

(T1) Eileen, Ji En, Christine
(T2) Cheryl
(T3) Jin Yong, Joan Kwang (yes juicy, u're not alone)(T2)
(T4) Jac
(T5) Clarence

pls log-in to edit this entry to input ur name ok. dont just tag the board!
and if u guys wanna change mod and tutorial group during the add/drop period, it's OBVIOUS WHICH ONE TO CHANGE TO (ahem 205, T1!!)

anyway, after bugging ziliang and chunleen, this is what i know for CS peeps:

-upon matriculation, you'll be auto-assigned your CORE modules. cohort is divided into 2 (COM 204 and 205) and further divided into T1-T6

-you can log in to STARS PLANNER to start ur strategic planning for your schedule. you still need to take about 3 other non-core modules to fulfill AUs for 1 semester (for a well-balanced sem)
as for now, only planning is possible. and saving the plans (got space for 3 plans).

-at stars planner, you should see 13 blank columns on the left of the screen. pls rmb to input COM201 COM203 and COM204/205 as they are your core modules. after that, go pick the modules that you're interested in. and then click PLAN to generate a timetable.

-on the next page, select the timeslot that has alr been assigned to you upon matriculation for your CORE(like mine. COM205 T1 the index no is 06012) if you're okay with the allocation and u wanna keep the allocation. so click everything of your core modules first. anything that clashes with your core modules, you obviously cant take. there're diff timeslots for each modules (usually) so you can trial and error. once you get the so-called 'perfect' timetable, save it as your plan 1,2,3.

-saving the plans will save time. so during the add/drop period, its when the first-come-first-serve thing starts, you can click ADD SUBJECTS TO STARS to submit. faster. add/drop period, FYI, is from 7AUG 930am. please leave your com on thruout the night. LOL. jk.

-ziliang said not to rely on waiting list to get your desired module. no use.

-if you guys wanna switch COM204 to COM205 or vice versa, can do a mutual swop by finding someone who has been allocated the one you wanted. switch done during add/drop period too.

-there's this requirement everyone needs to fulfill throughout your 4yrs in NTU. that is to complete:
3AUs from HSS as GER
3AUs from BM as GER
9AUs from STS as GER
37AUS as UE

but dont have to really bother about that cos i think everyone sure fulfill that. just bear in mind that YOU CANT ESCAPE FROM SCIENCE.

-lappies can be purchased at the NTU IT fair @ Nanyang Auditorium from 13-17 Aug (10-5pm). available models? pls check here.

-lappies purchases require the presentation of your matriculation card. collection of matri card for CS is 6-10Aug 9-5pm @ Asian Communication Resource Centre (ACRC)
SCI, Level 1

ok cant think of anything else that may come across your mind. will add if there's more.

hi noodles!
are we meeting to go for the boring sounding "afternoon tea" on friday???
ps: juicy wants to watch alone after tea. can we let him watch alone alone?

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Gentlemen (and ladies), Good Afternoon.

I am here to brief you on Exercise Matriculation. The following will be my operation order and no questions will be entertained until the end of it.

Exercise Matriculation is the first enemy stronghold we must overcome before our battalion can punch through towards Objective Bachelor Degree (Objective BRAVO DELTA). Company Mee Kia has received direct orders from the Battalion HQ with regards to its role in Exercise Matriculation. I am honoured to inform you that we will be the point company in this mission.

The D-Day H-hour will be:

(1ST AUG 10 AM - 10 PM)

The deadline will be:

(3RD AUG 10 PM)

Please synchronise your watch now.

Objective matriculation is located at

We will advance as a company towards the objective and this will eventually accumulate to a dawn assault on the enemy stronghold. The possible routes of advancement are as follow:

route SAFARI

The exact route will be confirmed with you at a later time when our scouts return.

Be warned that we might be severely delayed beyond our D-Day H-hour as a result of interference from other affiliated guerilla forces like MEE POK, MEE SUA, MEE THAI MAK and non-affiliated forces like ACCOUNTANTS and ENGINEERS.

Anyone hoping to continue to serve under the great colours of MEE KIA are advised to be punctual and approach the objective at the agreed time.

That is all from me for now. Gentlemen (and ladies), DIS.......MISSED!

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Hey all!
The KBox Partyworld outing was fun fun fun! It was my first time at a KTV joint and I must say, I did have fun singing to Britney's songs. Oh yeah, I think my Mandarin standard jumped a grade up after that session! How did all of u all feel? Blog here leh!

Want to know something else? Some of us went to take neoprints after that. And No, it wasn't my idea. I'm quite averse to that concept. But, for the kicks of doing stuff that would embarrass myself, I obliged. So will someone with a scanner put up the neoprints? Haha.

Anyhow, next week will be hall camp and I guess many of us would be attending it. Have fun okay? Oh yah, whose idea was it that we should all skip the last day of hall camp (if we're attending) to attend freshmen welcome day as an OG!?!?

Great idea!

So those who intend to do so, register your name below this post ok?

P.S. And to those with facebook, please leave your address somewhere visible in th blog! I will add an icon for u beside your name. =-D

Skipping last day of hall camp for freshmen welcome day:
Lyndsey [grumbles. it's NOT my last day of hall camp. but i'll make it so. muahahaha]

Friday, July 27, 2007

Education for the internet savy generation

Haha, sorry i am just bored. Anyway, enjoy... :)
And so today's gathering ended at 2300 hrs...

Turn up wasn't as too fantastic...only 7...haha. Hope you peps had a gd time with Beyond Balderdash (game of crap) and Tanz der Hornochsen (game of shit)... Totally hilarious la...haha.

Anyway...unlikely tt I'll be joining you peps for K-Box later on...but will if I can.

And to Kerrie...have a safe and enjoyable trip!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

update IV - KBOX

it's KBOX no more! Partyworld KTV is cheaper. should be around $10 or less per head. but joycelyn has vouchers. think by using her vouchers, this session may be free. (sounds good aye? hiaks)

anyways! whatever it is, the meeting time: 1230hrs @ Cineleisure. near cheers/jap icecream cart. we're eating lunch tog. everyone arriving after 1230 shall do solo performance. LOL. dont purposely late to hog the mike okay.

attendance list:
joan lim
joan kwang

i booked the VIP room. there's only 2 mikes though. same situation for KBOX and partyworld, so... yup.
smuggle your own drinks in hor. hahahaha. 14drinks available only. yeah.

see you!

christine :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

kbox - update FOUR!

hey peeps!

just some updates regarding this fri's kbox-ing outing. we'll meet at cine at 1230pm for lunch ok! regarding whether we are gg to kbox or party world, we'll make a final decision there. although you can see which one i prefer.. :p

so just to confirm the people who are coming:
joan lim
joan kwang

yay-ness!!! it's gonna be quite a successful singing session man! if anyone else is coming and i've missed out your name, my apologies. do add your name in yar!! okie see you guys soon!

sorry if i haven't been informing you anything about tmr's meet-up...

we'll meet at bishan mrt station at 1800H and've dinner at café cartel... after which we'll proceed over to my place.

so far here're the ppl who're coming:

chun leen
joan kuang
joan lim
madeleine (will be damn late)

any more ppl who're coming? pls sms to confirm thanks.


shannon here: i might just pop by after class if i'm not too tired. ;) someone drop me an sms with his/her number alright?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

first and foremost...
sorry for the late replies... my web browser's been giving me probs... but tt's been fixed

pls try to pull ppl to come on Thurs... I promise it's gonna be fun...haha. Still pretty sore tt we didn't get to play at Harry's tt night...
many ppl seem to not be able to make it in the evening so I's wondering...would the afternoon be a better alternative?

i should be able to make it on Fri... and do you guys want more brownies? though i've a feeling tt my Mommy'll be baking stuff for you too...haha.

transport can be provided for some or for all depending on whether more ppl with cars do come... cos joycelyn can settle the east side... joan the north side... clarence & i the west side...

my name's not joined =)

Monday, July 23, 2007

update III

YOU GUYS ARE VERY LAZY. (joanlimisnotlazy:p)

UPDATED AS ON 23nd JULY 2007 2359hours (FOR KBOX) :

christine - coming on fri
joan lim - coming on fri (how can I miss it!)
joan kwang - coming on fri
cheryl - coming on fri
celine- coming on fri

rachel- CMI on fri(camp)
yingying- not confirmed (SKIP UR CAMP! mwuahaha.)
evelyn- coming on fri
zhenwei- CMI
mad - coming on fri
lyndsey - coming on fri
joycelyn - coming on fri

kerrie- CMI (working. why!?)
kahei- never reply my text
eileen- coming on fri
jacqueline- coming on fri
clarence- coming on fri

edmund- CMI (camp)
juicy- "most probably." -?!-
chunleen- coming on fri
weixun- CMI
ziliang- if one comes,
shannon- the other should, i guess?



Celine- cant make it on thur evenings.
Cheryl- yes, after 3pm
Christine- not confirmed
Clarence - yes (skipping camp afterall!)
Chun Leen- yes
Eileen- CMI unless before 7pm
Jacqueline- 75% yes -?!-
Ji En
Jin yong- CMI
Joan Lim- not confirmed
Joan Kwang
Joycelyn Yeo
Kerrie- yes
Lyndsey - nope. ):
Madeleine- will be DAMN late
Rachel- roach dances, roach SPEAKS! state ur status!
Weixun - of course can lah. lol.
Yingying - not confirmed
Zhen wei - cant make it for PM session. AM only.
ziliang- most prob cant

cute, aye?
hello meekias!

important things first....
*runs around the room jumping up and down while screaming hysterically.*

oh well.
meekias now have a friendster account!

the profile looks really loser because meekia has no friends or pictures so...
start adding!

oh and only christine sent the photos of our outing!!!
where are the rest?!!!

(who is quite high because she just completed harry potter! *shrieks*.)

Sunday, July 22, 2007

update II {kBOX}


Weixun has suggested to meet up at his house for games on thur evening (26th JULY) and then have dinner together (prolly cafe cartel @ J8). Please indicate your availability!

UPDATED AS ON 22nd JULY 2007 2249hours (FOR KBOX) :
christine - coming on fri
joan lim - schedule not confirmed.
joan kwang - coming on fri
cheryl - not confirmed
celine- coming on fri (right? since we changed it to fri)
rachel- CMI on fri(camp)
yingying- not confirmed (SKIP UR CAMP! mwuahaha.)
evelyn- coming on fri
zhenwei- CMI
mad - "think so." can or cannot??
lyndsey - coming on fri
joycelyn - coming on fri
kerrie- CMI (working. why!?)
kahei- never reply my text
eileen- coming on fri
jacqueline- not confirmed (no, she's not intending to take an MC this time. plan B!)
clarence- coming on fri
edmund- CMI (camp)
juicy- not confirmed
chunleen- not confirmed.
weixun- CMI

Christine- not confirmed
Clarence - CMI
Chun Leen
Ji En
Jin yong
Joan Lim
Joan Kwang
Joycelyn Yeo
Lyndsey - late minute confirmation =/
Weixun - of course can lah. lol.
Yingying - not confirmed
Zhen wei - cant make it for PM session. AM only.

please auto abit huh. either log in to edit your status, text someone (for KBOX, u can text me or joan lim; for thur evening pls text weixun).
if it happens that you may not be free on thur evening, pls indicate your availability to weixun so that it's more convenient for him if a reschedule has to take place to accomodate to more people.


update {kBOX}

KBOX! 27th JULY 2007 session: 2-6pm
(i was thinking it's kLUNCH right? so got lunch right? need to meet early or not?)

UPDATED AS ON 22nd JULY 2007 0143hours:
christine - coming on fri
joan lim - schedule not confirmed.
joan kwang - coming on fri
cheryl - not confirmed
celine- coming on fri (right? since we changed it to fri)
rachel- CMI (camp)
yingying- not confirmed (SKIP UR CAMP! mwuahaha.)
evelyn- coming on fri
zhenwei- coming on fri (right? since we changed it to fri)
mad - "think so." can or cannot??
lyndsey - coming on fri
joycelyn - CMI (another k session with others)
kerrie- CMI (working. why!?)
kahei- never reply my text
eileen- coming on fri
jacqueline- not confirmed (no, she's not intending to take an MC this time. plan B!)
clarence- not confirmed
edmund- CMI (camp)
juicy- not confirmed
chunleen- not confirmed.

the rest not mentioned, please speak up aiight? :)
oh..and i straightened up the 'relevant links' section. hope you dont mind, jacq. (:
hi guys! Lyndsey here. i added myself as a contributor cos google only allows one user to be logged in to gmail/blogger at one time.

link your blogs to the existing list of names to prevent extra lists!
go to the template tab under the meekia.sci account and see what i've done with mine if you're not html savvy.

hope this blog will be alive and kicking always! (:

kbox- planning in progress

LOL. ok i'm SORRY TO THOSE WHO I OFFENDED WITH THE MAGGI MEE can. there's no better ones. or so i thought. heh. feel free to edit it. im okay.

anyway, bad/good news! kbox is postponed! cos many cant make it then. it's changed to this fri 27th July 2-6pm (joan, i think it's 6 although they didnt change their posters. cos they told me so the last time i went. i rmb feeling cheated. lol)

christine - coming on fri
joan lim - schedule not confirmed.
joan kwang - never reply my text
cheryl - not confirmed
celine- coming on fri (right? since we changed it to fri)
rachel- CMI (camp)
yingying- CMI
evelyn- never reply my text
zhenwei- coming on fri (right? since we changed it to fri)
mad - "think so." can or cannot??
lyndsey - coming on fri (right? since we changed it to fri)
joycelyn - CMI (another k session with others)
kerrie- never reply my text
kahei- never reply my text
eileen- coming on fri (right? since we changed it to fri)
clarence- not confirmed
edmund- CMI (camp)
juicy- never reply my text

the rest not mentioned, please speak up aiight? :)


Saturday, July 21, 2007

oh my gosh!!! kudos to those who set up this blog. jac right? it's quite cool! :)
anyway regarding k-box if you guys seriously can't make it on monday right, do suggest other days leh. cos we don't really know your schedules ya... so like christine said, u can sms me or her about it k!!!
luv you guys! can't wait to see all of you again!!! :)

haha... almost forgot to include my name :)

Add Yourself!

Hey hey, if you are an existing member, you can add yourself to the contributors of the website. Therefore, you'll be able to contribute to the blog when you log into your own account.
How to do it? Firstly, login to the meekia.sci account. Then click 'settings' for this blog. Then on the page, click on the 'Permissions' tab. Everything else should be quite self explanatory after that.

Do remember to drop links to your webpage or blog (if any) okie?


blog entry post no. 2! do we check here for updates always?
everybody must come check whenever they're online yeah!
no one replied about the kbox outing!!

hello people!
welcome to the meekia blog!
i wanted to make it like
but some people are as unglam as to pick that as their url.
i have no idea why.
happy posting!
jac. =)).